What is my NAICS code?

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weirdolls says

As in North American Industry Classification System code? How did you classify yourself for taxasion? Please help!

Posted at 10:06am Apr 12, 2010 EDT


Maybe 711510?

I did a google search for "NAICS lookup" (a term I found on a search previous), which led me to this page:


Then I clicked the link for "Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation". Then I chose the code associated with "Independent Artists, Writers, and Performers".

Hope this helps!

Posted at 10:11am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

weirdolls says

Yep, this is my very last idea - 711510! Thank you so much, I am freaking out here :)))

Posted at 10:14am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

this is a great question anyone else have any ideas.. for possible handmade baby clothing

Posted at 2:33pm Oct 1, 2010 EDT