Google Merchant Center: How can I claim an Etsy shop URL???

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Original Post

Hi there!

I would so much appreciate your help!!!

I had a Google Merchant Account for a while and it worked nicely! I know that Etsy works with Google Merchant but somehow not every seller could be found through Google Merchant. I was not there until I got there all by myself. However, it turns out that Google is changing the rules of a play. Before submitting my product listing I now have to claim my Website URL. In my case it is a link to my Etsy shop. It is obviously not my personal URL but the one that belongs to Etsy. I tried and failed to claim it of course! What should I do now? Is there any way I can get into Google Merchant???
I would so much appreciate your sharing your ideas, experience, thoughts, etc. about it!!!


Posted at 10:47am Apr 14, 2010 EDT



Posted at 10:52am Apr 14, 2010 EDT

GoTo says

Individual shops are no longer able to upload their own goods--as of December:

Changes Coming for Google Base

Google Retired Etsy Individual Seller Feeds

You cannot claim your Etsy shop URL because you don't own the domain--I'm guessing this is part of how they are keeping individual seller feeds from being uploaded by the sellers.

These might help a bit more:

FAQs for Etsy's Google Merchant Feed/Syndicatioin
--includes vacation mode info!

2/25/10 Etsy GM Feed/Syndication Update

Posted at 1:24pm Apr 14, 2010 EDT