Pointing GoDaddy domain to Etsy

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Has anyone had this issue? (And know how to fix it?)
I bought my domain name (www.peartreejewelry.com) from GoDaddy, and set it up to forward to my etsy shop.

When I type "www.peartreejewelry.com", it does take me right to my Etsy shop as expected. However, when I then try to sign in to my shop, this does not work - I just keep getting bounced back to the signin screen.

If, however, I type in the original, "www.peartreejewelry.etsy.com", it does work.

Anyone know if this is normal, to have to include "etsy" in the URL to be able to sign in? I'm not sure if this should go here or be a site forum post, but thanks for any comments/advice!

Posted at 7:23am Aug 9, 2010 EDT


JessVanDen says

By typing the 'etsy' part, you are just bypassing GoDaddy and going right here.

Strange! the .com takes me to your shop fine - and really, that's the main thing for your shoppers :)

Posted at 7:26am Aug 9, 2010 EDT

I am no expert ... but it sounds like a browser problem and not a godaddy problem. I would try to clear your cache first. If it doesn't work you might try calling godaddy support - they are pretty helpful

Posted at 7:33am Aug 9, 2010 EDT

Thanks Jess - yes, I can go directly to my shop as well, using the streamlined URL - I just cannot log in to my shop without typing the "etsy" in my URL. Another concern is that if I cannot sign in, I hope order/checkout will work OK for my customers. If this only affects me, then no problem - I don't mind typing in the entire URL. I just wondered if any others who were "forwarding" their GoDaddy URLs to their Etsy shop had experienced this same thing - or if I am not set up correctly.

Posted at 7:34am Aug 9, 2010 EDT

JessVanDen says

I think Moore has a good point - if you have another browser on your computer, try that and see if it does the same thing :)

Posted at 7:35am Aug 9, 2010 EDT

Thank you MooreMagnets.

Posted at 7:35am Aug 9, 2010 EDT

JessVanDen says

BTW I use Chrome as my browser, it rocks my socks! (in case you needed one to try!)

Posted at 7:35am Aug 9, 2010 EDT

I use AOL and sometimes that gets snarky. I'll try bypassing AOL and see if that works. Thanks much!

Posted at 7:36am Aug 9, 2010 EDT

Nope - wasn't an AOL problem. Still not working. I'll contact GoDaddy. Thanks again!

Posted at 7:42am Aug 9, 2010 EDT