Corky Quackenbush

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EarthGrrrlCrafts avatar
EarthGrrrlCrafts says

is the best name i've ever heard in my entire life.

Posted at 3:15pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT


EarthGrrrlCrafts avatar
EarthGrrrlCrafts says

if you know of a better one i'd like to hear it.

Posted at 3:22pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

I know a Mike Hunt. Once I was shopping and a girl I know came up to me and asked "Have you seen Mike Hunt?"
No, I'm not joking, it really happened.

Once at work I took a message for my boss from S.L. Clarkzlark (he even said SL, making me wonder if his friends call him SL). I also prepped a 1099 form for a Gunilla Feigenbaum.

Posted at 3:25pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

UglyGerbil says

HA! When I lived in Santa Cruz there was someone with the name Quackenbush running for city council.

This spurred my vow that if I ever changed my name for fame purposes, it would be to Mimi Quackenbush. It's important to note the special pronunciation of Mimi, it's very similar to how the Road Runner pronounces "mee-meep".


I can't think of any other funny names right now, they'll occur to me as soon as I'm out of range of the computer.

Posted at 3:31pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

UglyGerbil says

Ooh, this is a friend of a friend situation, so I can't verify, but a friend of a friend worked at directory assistance many years ago, and swears that not only did she get a call requesting the phone number for Richard R. Puppybreath, but there was actually a listing for 1 Richard R. Puppybreath.

Posted at 3:33pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

Quackenbush is a relatively common name where I live.

My brother *almost* had an awesome name. My maiden name was House and my Grandpa was really gunning for Maxwell as my little bros name, lol. Unfortunately my parents didn't go for it.

Posted at 3:33pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

I knew a boy at school called Rumon Hankey

Posted at 3:35pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

hollygems says

Dick Shover

I'm not even kidding. He frequented the print shop where I used to work. He was a real estate agent or something like that, had all his business cards, letterhead, etc. printed up with that name on it.

I mean really, wouldn't you go by Richard or something?

Posted at 3:36pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

jbug says

I know a man named Rudy Sprinkle.

Best. name. ever.

Posted at 3:37pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT

Lol at Dick Shover. That's frickin hilarious!

Posted at 3:39pm Aug 11, 2010 EDT