How much change do I need for my craft show?

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I am doing my first show saturday and am going to the bank today to get my change and am looking for some advise. I was thinking $25 in ones and $25 in 5's and then a roll each of coins (if I can find that much, I'm using the oodles of loose change I have laying around the house)

I am NOT including tax on the tag and rounding up for many reasons (also it would be easiest) but mostly because we aren't allowed to and I already have everything tagged and don't want to change it.

I am set up to take credit cards.

So that being 50 in change going to be enough? I don't want to run low but have able bodies to run to the bank if need be and I'm pretty tapped out on additional funds for the show so keeping it low to start would be great.

Thanks everyone!

Posted at 10:19am Sep 9, 2010 EDT


I forgot to mention that my items are mostly 15,16, 18 and 20 dollars with the exception of some $8 headbands

Posted at 10:32am Sep 9, 2010 EDT

Susie Arwine avatar
susiearwine says

I just did a show...took $100.00 in bills for change...used most of it quick!

Posted at 10:34am Sep 9, 2010 EDT

We seemed to always be short of one dollar bills. You need a minimum of 20 of them to start with. $100 in overall change is what we used to start with. Also, there will always be somebody selling items for $2 or $3 and they can be good sources of dollar bills. Being set up to take CC's is good as we found folks tended to spend more or buy higher priced items if you took cards. Good Luck to you and may the weather be nice!!

Posted at 10:41am Sep 9, 2010 EDT


Your change sounds fine with your setup. You take credit cards and many will want to use them and you have someone who can run to the bank if your change runs low.

Most shoppers will come with $20s from ATM machines.

Posted at 10:44am Sep 9, 2010 EDT

Kathy1910 says

Take twice as much as you think you will need. I always take $200.00 with about 60 of it in ones. Everyone gets twenties out of the ATM so expect to get lots of twenties. If you run out of change, food vendors generally have lots of change. Make friends with one of them. Good luck!

Posted at 10:44am Sep 9, 2010 EDT

I tend to bring around $80. 2 $10's, $30 in fives and $30 in ones. I go thru one's fast.

Much success to you!

Posted at 10:45am Sep 9, 2010 EDT

Thanks everyone! I figure if they have a 20 and buy an of my hats, the lowest priced one is 15 so with tax it would be less than 5 in change so....lots of $1's! It looks like we may get a few showers but hopefully nothing too bad.

Posted at 10:51am Sep 9, 2010 EDT

I'm doing a craft fair next weekend and I'm planning on $100. $60 in 1s and $40 in 5s...I think that'll work... :)

Posted at 10:55am Sep 9, 2010 EDT

Jessica avatar
vintagehomerecycled says

At least $100 in ones and fives. It is absolutely amazing how quickly you can be cleaned out of change.

Posted at 10:56am Sep 9, 2010 EDT