Canada Post xpresspost rant

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rtbfFirstName7652257 rtbfLastName7652257 avatar
rtbfLoginName7652257 says

They should not be allowed to say 2 to 3 days delivery and then take over a week.
I mailed a package (for about $26) and have been checking the tracking (which has been very slow updating) and see it has updated today finally, and says "Item has been received at the delivery office in the destination country".
So does that mean they tried to deliver it and it's now at the post office waiting for my customer to pick it up, or that they just got it and it will go out for delivery (probably Monday)?
Honestly it's ridiculous. I don't know if *overnight* Priority really gets there overnight. If you pay $60, it should, but it really sucks.

Thank you.

Posted at 1:03pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT


Apply for a refund of the postage - I believe it's a money-back guarantee.

Posted at 1:18pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

I shipped a package Priority with guaranteed next-day delivery (my customer paid $38 for this) and it took two days. I don't promise anything anymore!

Posted at 1:20pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

I hear your pain with Canada Post. I would follow up with them and ask for a refund, etc. I wouldn't let it go. You and your customer paid for a service that you didn't receive.

Posted at 1:21pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

2-3 days is the base time, that is major city to major city. You have to add a day for rural to city or city to rural, and then add another day if it is rural to rural. But yea it does seem that their new improved delivery times are not panning out.

Posted at 1:43pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

rtbfFirstName11060942 rtbfLastName11060942 avatar
rtbfLoginName11060942 says

Have been shipping worldwide with Canada Post for over 10 years and the one thing I have learned is to have patience with & confidence in the postal services around the world. Have never lost a package outside of Canada in all these years, although some went on some lengthy journeys. Once the package arrives in the destination country, there is that country's postal system as well as customs departments that are involved, so it's no longer just a Canada Post issue. Canada Post has a customer service department that you can contact to discuss a particular situation, and if your package does not arrive within a satisfactory time frame when sent via Xpresspost, Canada Post may issue a refund for the shipping costs.

Posted at 3:02pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

Ditto what LandOfLivingSkies said. I never give any shipping guarantees ever, especially with international packages.

Tracking means nothing. It just shows the places where the package was scanned. For example, whenever someone sends me something by expresspost, the tracking always shows that they tried to deliver it at my home and the delivery failed. Well, the mailman never comes to my home. I have a superbox that does not hold packages. So then they take another 24 hours to deliver it to a convenience store with a postal service and another 24 hours to put a card in my superbox. So two days are added right there to the delivery times.

Posted at 3:10pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

Canada Post recently raised the cost of Xpresspost and the justification was that parcels would get there sooner than they did before.

If you don't get the service they promise I would speak to them about it.

Posted at 3:13pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

JustColor says

Good to know.

Posted at 3:17pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT

ido you use the canada post tracking system , i use both canada and usps . once aarived in the destination country , the usps tracking system oftens shows more details or its uptated sooner .

"Item has been received at the delivery office in the destination country"
(you should see :out for delivery , or attempted delivery and left card.. if it had been delivered... but tracking system is not always accurate)

Posted at 3:19pm Oct 23, 2010 EDT