Salt ban in NYC restaurants

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Perhaps government trained dietitians can be assigned to each restaurant to judiciously apply the proper amount of salt to our food. Of course, they'll need to be tipped.

Posted at 8:26pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

bddesigns says

Um...if this is a health thing, why not start with banning smoking...much worse on health in general than salt!!

*ducks the flying tomatoes*

Posted at 8:27pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

kittyd says

They could ban transfat and high fructose corn syrup if they're worried about health. We do need a certain amount of salt in our diet.

Posted at 8:28pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

Alison makes a great point, the worst sodium offenders are the pre-packaged foods. Freshly prepared foods aren't nearly as bad. Why don't they just have some low-salt entrees?

Posted at 8:29pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

petuniaz says

Mayor Bloombutt is pissing off a lot of folks.

Posted at 8:29pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

raynecloud says

Um... say what? There are worse things in food than salt.

Posted at 8:29pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

BinarySoul says

Is there some kind of quota on silly-law legislation introduction? It might explain why some places have a "horses can't wear purple dresses on sunday" bylaw or some such.

Posted at 8:30pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

allisoneastmanbeads avatar
allisoneastmanbeads says

Exactly, not every stupid legislation passes.

Posted at 8:31pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

WhiteLotusDesigns avatar
WhiteLotusDesigns says

FFS. Many foods NEED to be salted at various stages of preparation, or the end result will be crap.

Potatoes need to be boiled in salted water. Rice needs salt. Bread with no salt is disgusting. Most meats need salt during cooking. Dried beans need salt during cooking.

That is about the stupidest, most insulting, and ill-conceived bill I've ever heard of.

Posted at 8:31pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

Throws tomatoes at BDdesigns....jk

Why have to ban things? Just give the public the truth of what is in the meal, and let them decide. I really don't need some politician making MY choices for me.

America...the land of the free.

Posted at 8:33pm Mar 10, 2010 EST