Zazzle vs Cafepress

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Elizabeth Pujalka avatar
Softpencil says

Anyone have more advice about Cafepress and Zazzle? I would like to know...

Posted at 8:20pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

jenmaestre says

I have a zazzle shop- honestly, I'm the only one who has ever bought anything. I like the way their greeting cards look, i use them when I send out orders.

I sort of never realized what it was all about, I just needed cards made.

Posted at 8:23pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

I have a cafepress. I have one I pay for and two that are free. the pay for one; paid for itself up unti last month when my sales crashed for some reason. I think i earned 300-400 for them in the year. I don't promote it or anything tho. I'm sure I could make more if I put more effort into it.

Posted at 8:28pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

trinlayk says

I tried both, zazzle made me better earnings, and the product is better quality.

Just my experience.

Posted at 8:37pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

huh. no consensis? *however that is spelled.*

it would so help if there was general agreement on which is best. andd while you're at it, tell me where to get my car fixed.


Posted at 8:40pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

i prefer to print my shirts the real way, but most people don't know how to screenprint

Posted at 8:42pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

Elizabeth Pujalka avatar
Softpencil says

Thank you!... anyone more?

Posted at 8:55pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

I do fairly well over on Zazzle for the amount of work required. Their shipping is pretty fast and I usually receive items in less than a week.

Posted at 9:23pm Oct 14, 2009 EDT

I closed my cafepress shop when they started setting tiny commissions for marketplace sales and took away your mark up.
I have a few zazzle shops. All but one - jackiepaintstees - have pretty regular sales. Wish I could get my tees and shoes going!
Plus, zazzle is free, and you do set your own commissions. I just wish they sold the ceramic tile products that cafepress did.

Posted at 7:08am Oct 15, 2009 EDT

Neither Zazzle nor Cafepress are for me since all my shirts are screen printed and I like to have control over the quality.

Also, I believe Cafepress and Zazzle both own the copyright to your design if you upload it... so beware.

I'm actually wondering if there's any sites for T-shirts and the like that are kind of like Cafepress and Zazzle, but for items that are already printed, not for print on demand...

Posted at 7:23am Oct 15, 2009 EDT