Vote and WIN in the EAST Winter Wonderland Challenge

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Amanda Janes avatar
dragon06 says

Ok, now I've picked my 4 favorites. That's a lot better than having to choose just 1. :)

Posted at 4:24pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

lizstaley says

I still have two more votes to cast. :)

Posted at 4:28pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

Liz, I have two votes also and I'm having a horrible time deciding!

Posted at 4:44pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

mostlyart says

I haven't voted yet, waiting for there to be a whole slew of votes on everything so I don't look like I'm picking favorites, even though it literally IS picking favorites LOL :)

Posted at 5:26pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

Can EAST members win?? I love the promo packs!

Posted at 5:52pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

LOL I just wanted to bump it up, so we had more voters, but, seriously, there are some cool items in the prize packs!

Posted at 5:53pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

I know, I WISH we could win the prize packs ...

Posted at 6:04pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

So many lovely items!

Posted at 6:34pm Dec 18, 2007 EST

The voting for the Winter Wonderland Challenge is open to everyone who is registered on ETSY! The challenge entries are our members interpretations of Winter, in all it's various colors and guises!

There will four winners, and from each of those winners, we'll randomly pick a voter to win a fabulous EAST prize pack. Prizes have been donated by the participating shops. The packs include soap, ornaments, bracelets, pendants, candles, cell phone charms, and other goodies!

So just go to the Earthpath artisans shop and take a look at our Favorites. Vote for your favorite ones! the voting ends Jan.7th.

Posted at 7:05pm Dec 18, 2007 EST